BioDuro-Sundia and X‑Chem Enter Partnership to Launch DEL Services in China for the Discovery of New Small Molecule Drugs
Shanghai, August 8 2022 – BioDuro-Sundia, an industry-leading drug discovery, development and commercial service CRDMO backed by Advent International, and...
X‑Chem’s New AI-Powered Ecosystem to Accelerate Drug Discovery
WALTHAM, Mass.; April 19, 2022 (Business Wire) — X-Chem, the leader of DNA-encoded library (DEL) technology and artificial intelligence (AI) for small...
X‑Chem’s Noor Shaker Awarded for Achievements in AI for Drug Discovery
WALTHAM, Mass.; March 30, 2022 (Business Wire) — X-Chem, the pioneer of DNA-encoded library (DEL) technology and artificial intelligence (AI) for small molecule...
X‑Chem and Excelra’s GOSTAR Join Forces to Advance Drug Discovery for Challenging Targets
LONDON and HYDERABAD, India; Feb. 9, 2022 – A new collaboration between data science and analytics leader, Excelra, and artificial...